Radioactive T.E.A.M. Session 5

Today we will have three different tasks.
Task 1: Visit the page TEAM UP. Check if your national group is included in the table. Choose a topic if you have not done so yet and go to forum#2 to send your partners a message telling them that you want to collaborate with them.
Task 2: Once you have your topic, go to the page created for your team in the section EDITORIAL MEETING and brainstorm ideas about what you want to speak about.
Task 3: You will write a collaborative story about a Christmas elf that got lost. Describe what Christmas is celebrated in our country. Write about the sights, smells and sounds. You can contribute to this story during this week until the 5th December included. YOUR PARTICIPATION IN THIS STORY WILL GIVE YOU EXTRA POINTS IN THE FINAL MARKS!!!!

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