Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta online language activities. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta online language activities. Mostrar todas las entradas

Present perfect Review

Here I post some exercises to help you understand present perfect better

-Here, we review the differences between present perfect and past simple (click on the image)

-Here you have a game to review Have you ever..? (click on the image)

Second Conditional Sentences Review

Here you have a group of simple resources to review the conditional forms

-Grammar Presentation about the conditional sentences

- Fill in the gaps exercise

- Mix and match

- Listen to the following song and fill in the gaps in your sheet

Infinitive in English

Let's go now with a small collection about the infinitive and the gerund

-HERE is a very clear definition of Infinitives

-HERE you have the same explanation for gerunds

-HERE is an interesting game to review present simple tenses

-HERE is an exercise to distinguish the use of infinitives and gerunds in English

Culture Quest: Famous friendships in history

In this activity we learn about famous friendships that have changed the world in bussiness, entertainment, or popular culture.

Work in pairs, you must look for information about the following characters

  • Rolls - Royce
  • Ben Cohen & Jerry Greenfield
  • William Hannah & Joseph Barbera
  • Mark Zuckenberg & Eduardo Saverin
  • Chad Hurley & Steven Chen
You can look for the information you need in the following pages

Answer the following questions on your notebook?

- Who was a rich man in the Rolls-Royce Partnership?
- Who was a successful engineer?
- Name one special thing about Ben& Jerry
- What famous cartoons did William & Joseph create? Have you ever watched any of them?
- What is Mark's job nowadays?
- Why did Chad & Steven decide to create a video-sharing page?

The Questions will be assessed as a solo project the day of our next exam. You must answer all questions properly to pass

Relative Clauses Presentation

I found this interesting presentation about rellative clauses. It' clear and simple, just to make an idea!

RELATIVE CLAUSES from Anabel Ponce

Here there are also some warm up exercises to practice

Exercise 1

Exercise 2

The Present Continuous Class Overview

In Unit 6 we start talking about the present continuous. Let's start by having a quick overview about the topic

Now let's go to the following activity

Now listen to the following song. How many Present Continuous forms can you see?

Sports for all vocabulary review

Hi everyone!

We come back with the last topic of the term, and we start hard with our Sport Vocabulary review. How many words can you remember?

Unit Project: The Most Dangerous Job Community Pool


The purpose of this task is to create a group pool about dangerous jobs using Tricider


-Get the invitation to participate that you will receive in your email account

-Add your idea of a dangerous job. This Idea must include a description, pros and cons

-Vote to the idea of one of your partners

Assessment of this task is composed of the following descriptors:
-You include all the information (job, description, pros, cons and your vote)
-The information is linguistically accurate (no grammar or spelling mistakes) and properly justified.
-Creativity of your proposal


Teacher Invaders!

Here is a nice language activity to review the use of the present simple tense. Fight the teacher invaders and fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verb in the present simple (weird, uh?)

You can access the game here

Healthy Food!

Here, we learn about the different food groups and how they can help you to grow stronger. Can you give us examples of some of them?

Click here to start!