The objective of this project is to create the biography of a relevant personality or  personalities; this person should be important in the areas of Language, Literature, Music, Science or Arts.


1. Choose a relevant personality. You can either choose your own (please talk to your teacher) or choose one for the following list

 A. Language and Literature:
      Willian Shakespeare, William Defoe, The Brönte Sisters, Jane Austen, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle,  John Tolkien, CS Lewis, JK Rowling, Beatrix Potter, Herman Melville, Edgard Allan Poe, Raymond Chandler.

B. Science
     Archimedes of Syracuse, Pithagoras, Copernicus, Galileo Galilei, Sir Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, Marie Curie, Ada Lovelace, Jane Goodall, Florence Nightingale, the Wright Brothers, Nikola Tesla

C. Music
    The Supremes, The Beatles, Queen, Elvis Presley, Johny Cash, Billie Holliday, Michael Jackson, Amy Whinehouse, Madonna

2. Create a written biography of the character. Your biography must include the following elements
  a. Birth Information?
  b. Why is this person important?
  c. What are his accomplishments?
  d. Personal Information
  e. Important events in his/her life
  f. A quote

3. Presentation
 Make a brief presentation of your character. You should include any audiovisual element or props to make your presentation more interesting.

4. The Great personality Quizz Game
Make your contribution to the great quiz in learning apps. Please ask your teacher to get your access code

The assessment chart is individual for each student. You must comply with the following elements

All the information must be handed to your teacher the next 30th of November.

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