In this Session, we start Teaming up to create our articles
Task 1. Go to Forum 2 and choose one of the topics proposed by your international partners. Stick to those articles who have already members. Don't propose new topics.
Task 2. Christmas Story. In this Holiday task your national group will have to write and record an audio about a elf who travels to your region in Spain. What will he do? This is a creative and compulsory exercise!
Present Perfect Review
Present Perfect Theory Presentation
Present Perfect Tense de IES Rosario de Acuña
Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous and Past Simple
Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous and Past Simple
RadioActive TEAM Session 4
On this session, you will go participate in the two forums created so far.
Task 1: Visit the guided tours and make a comment in Forum#1. Thank your partners on their comments about our city and neighbourhood.
Task 2: Go to forum#2 to choose a topic for your radio programme. You can join another group or make a new proposal.
Here are the possible radio programme formats and topics:
- Interview
- Discussion
- Drama
- Reports
- Talk shows or chat shows
- Reviews
- Documentary
- Comedy
- Refugees
- Terrorism in the world
- Human trafficking
- Immigration: Spanish people around the world, French people around the world, etc.
- Responsible consumption
- Euthanasia
- Violence in the media
- Gender violence
- Politics: compulsory voting, referendums, Brexit, USA elections, the future of Europe
- Art: street artists, reasons for graffiti, art exhibitions
- Ethics in sports
- Inspirational stories of teenagers: inventors, talented children, etc.
- Volunteering: make a difference
- New technologies: impact of new technologies on teenagers, privacy on social media, transformation of language due to new technologies: email, WhatsApp and Twitter, Trending topics on Twitter
- Laws on environmental issues: plastic bags
- Subjects and methodology taught in the different schools
- Role models
- Dream job interviews
- When I grow up, I want to be …
- Future jobs
- Teenagers’ self image
- Healthy and fitness: eating disorders, anxiety, depression, beauty tips
- Cringe: the most embarrassing moment
- Reviews: new films, new video games, books
- Family: are teenagers more independent?
- Education: are schools teaching students for the future?, bullying
- Creative writing: collaborative story told from different points of view, culture or places
- Fashion using recycled materials, fashion affecting our environment
- Animals in sports and entertainment
- Environment: sustainable development and green cities, climate change and COP21
- Music: street musicians, committed songs, music festivals
- Travelling abroad
RadioActive TEAM Session 3
In this session you will create a logo that identifies our project and vote for your favourite image adding arguments.
Task 1: Create a logo that identifies our project. Include the name of our project and an image related to the radio, team work, communication, etc.
Use this website to create your logo:
Task 2: Upload your logo to this digital board adding a name and a description explaining the meaning of your creation.
Task 3: Vote for your favourite images on the Tricider board explaining why you like your choice.
RadioActive TEAM Session 2
In this session you will work on Break the Ice! page on the Twinspace.
Task 1: Read the introductions of your partners. You can send them a message on Forum 1.
Task 2: On this digital board, write an introduction of your national group including an image of the members. Write about the interests and hobbies you share, your abilities and the expectations you have about this project.
RadioActive TEAM Session 1
We start a new eTwinning project this year: RadioActive T.E.A.M. (The European Audio Magazine).

Click here to go to the Twinspace.
Student-journalists from various European countries share their perceptions of international news, interact and collaborate in international teams for a school year. They express themselves through a variety of media: they participate in a school web-radio channel including a selection of programmes designed by the teams – composing their theme music, writing radio scripts and editing radio podcasts about topics related to their interests and global issues. They also collaborate to create and publish an e-magazine presenting current events from their perspective. Each international team will create a 10-15 minutes programme about a topic in common. The national groups will have to work on the topic choose a different format: interview, documentary, drama, talk show, etc.
The tasks for October and November are:
- Break the ice!
- Personal profile: Complete the personal profile with information about your age, school, nationality and interests.
- Group presentation: introduce your national group in this padlet writing about your interests in common and about what you expect in this project.
- Guided tour: Visit the other partners’ guided tours and complete the quiz.
- Forum#1: React to your partners’ presentations and guided tours in the forum#1
- Forum#2: Think about a topic for your radio programme and visit forum#2 to join another group or make a new proposal.
This project will be the 20% of your final marks in English. You will evaluated in these tasks:

- Interview
- Discussion
- Drama
- Reports
- Talk shows or chat shows
- Reviews
- Documentary
- Comedy
- Refugees
- Terrorism in the world
- Human trafficking
- Immigration: Spanish people around the world, French people around the world, etc.
- Responsible consumption
- Euthanasia
- Violence in the media
- Gender violence
- Politics: compulsory voting, referendums, Brexit, USA elections, the future of Europe
- Art: street artists, reasons for graffiti, art exhibitions
- Ethics in sports
- Inspirational stories of teenagers: inventors, talented children, etc.
- Volunteering: make a difference
- New technologies: impact of new technologies on teenagers, privacy on social media, transformation of language due to new technologies: email, WhatsApp and Twitter, Trending topics on Twitter
- Laws on environmental issues: plastic bags
- Subjects and methodology taught in the different schools
- Role models
- Dream job interviews
- When I grow up, I want to be …
- Future jobs
- Teenagers’ self image
- Healthy and fitness: eating disorders, anxiety, depression, beauty tips
- Cringe: the most embarrassing moment
- Reviews: new films, new video games, books
- Family: are teenagers more independent?
- Education: are schools teaching students for the future?, bullying
- Creative writing: collaborative story told from different points of view, culture or places
- Fashion using recycled materials, fashion affecting our environment
- Animals in sports and entertainment
- Environment: sustainable development and green cities, climate change and COP21
- Music: street musicians, committed songs, music festivals
- Travelling abroad
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