Reported speech Exercises

Here you have a list of interesting resources to work on the reported speech

1. Reported speech game

2. Reporting verbs Speech Quiz

3. Reported Speech Grammar Summary and exercises



In this project you are going to prepare a picture story related to one of the global problems that study on topic 6.


Here you have a quick tutorial about how to do this type of activity

If you have an smartphone, I recommend you to use Draw My Story

This app allows you to draw, insert audio and export the project to a video format.
-Pick one of the global problems that appear in topic 6.
- Create a story to represent this specific problem. You'll have to told this story in English using the voiceover function of the app.
-Your story should be between 1-5 minutes long

The main points for assessment are:
-Use of English: try to use proper English in your voice over video. You will get the lowest grade if you tell your story in broken English
-Pronunciation: Make a special effort to pronounce properly. Go to wordreference to check the pronunciation of words that you don't know.
-Animation: Provide an interesting and dynamic visual presentation to your video

March the 8th, 2016

Reported Speech

here I post a useful presentation about the Reported speech. Enjoy!

CLIL Project. Food Memories from Al Andalus


  • The purpose of this task is to create a presentation for the Subjects of Social Sciences and a instructional video for the subject of English
  • In this video, students prepare a dish of Andalusian origin, and explain, in English, the elaboration process
  • The students will be able to bring their products as part of the celebration for the day of the Autonomous Community


  • Students will work in groups. These groups could be as small as 2 or as big as 4.
  • Students will have to choose ONE of the recipes presented by the teachers. Both the oral presentation and the instructional video will have the chosen recipe as main theme. You can download the recipes HERE
  • The Oral presentation will be performed in the subject of Social Sciences. The video will be uploaded to youtube and embedded into the padlet board created by the teacher
  • Granted permission by the School Administration, students will be allowed to share their preparations.

  • Assessment is divided into English (40%), Social Sciences (40%) and Self Assessment (20%)
  • Asessment criteria and grading scheme for the subject of English will be as follows:

You will also handle this peer assessment sheet the day of the presentation. This will be used to grade yourself and your partners


First Week of March (from 29/2 to 4/3).

Listening Task: Pocket Money

Listen to these students talking about pocket money and answer the questions that pop up in the video



In this project we celebrate St. Valentine's day with the help of our students, and their favourite movies


To celebrate Saint Valentine’s Day this year we will look for your favourite love declaration on screen.

Go to this board, add an image of the film, insert the quote, but don’t say the title of the film. Let’s see how much we know about love films!!! In the chat participate using your name and surname and include the title of the film and why you have chosen your quote. You can also recommend the film.

You can also vote for three of your favourite declarations, including yours if you want. In class we will watch the videos of the most voted scenes


Students that participate in the project and comply with the instructions will be awarded 4 "Extra Work" points"



-The purpose of this project is to learn about the Curriculum and acquire a general overview about how to make a Resume in English


- Each student will have to create a Resume and a Cover Letter for one of the job offers provided by the teacher
- The Resume shall be handed on paper the day of the exam
- You should consider the following points:
  1. Be briefYour CV shouldn’t be over one or two pages long.
  2. Use white (or light colours) paper, DinA4 format with good printing quality.
  3. Use an easy-to-read font and enough spaces.
  4. Don’t do it in hand-writing, unless it’s required by the enterprise. A printed version is better.
  5. Avoid many formats and colours. Your CV should be professional. You can use the bold format to make everything clearer and put emphasis on titles.
  6. Leave spaces between sections and write only on one side of the paper.
  7. Watch the style and avoid spelling mistakes. Use synonyms and avoid repetitions.
  8. It’s recommended not to use abbreviations.
  9. Be honest. Show your abilities, make important skills and achievements stand out, look for the good side of failures but never lie.
  10. Be positive. You don’t have the need to explain failures. Show the best of yourself, but in a brief and simple way.
  11. Remember you needn’t include documents or diplomas, unless it’s required.
  12. Always send original papers, never photocopies.
(Extracted from


Here is a presentation about with tips about Effective Resume Writing:

Effective CV / Resume Writing from The CV Workshop

Here you have the template that you can use for the activity

You can write your CV  for one of the following job offers

Delivery Driver

Sales Associate

Backroom Associate


In order to get the get the full grade (10) you will have to consider the following points

1. Use of English: Your work shall not include any mistakes in grammar, punctuation or vocabulary. Otherwise, you will be discarded by the employer

2. Presentation: your work MUST be printed. Use a photo in which you look professional and neat

3. Relevance: your CV must be adapted to the job you are doing

Good luck!