Unit 4 Project Assignment. Amazing Places


The objective of this project is to make a presentation in groups about a place that you and your groups consider amazing.


The Presentation will include the following parts

1. Name of the Place

2. What is it? (A Desert, A Cathedral, a Ruin, a Coastline, etc)

3. Where is it (include information about Climate, Frontiers, and a map)

4. What can you do there? (Sports and places to visit. Remember to include Photos and video samples)

5. Natural life (Endemic plants and animals)

Note: Alternatively, you can talk about gastronomy in this point if the place you are presenting has no specific wildlife

6. Why do we like it? (Explain why you consider the place interesting and why should people visit it)


Rememeber to take into consideration the Assesment Guidelines of our Class Rubric. Specially important are the following guidelines

- Don't Read the Presentation
- Don't Saturate the presentation with text
- Presenter must remain in the pitch area of the Class, and talk CLEARLY.
- Be original and engaging. You can bring photos or suovenirs from your travels if you like it.

Model Presentation

Here is my model presentation. You can use it to create your own

Once you create your presentation remember to post it in the proyect Padlet HERE

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